Test and optimise CSF Shunt functionality

Following a shunt implantation, follow-up visits are necessary to evaluate whether unchanged or worsened symptoms can be corrected by shunt adjustment and also to discover any cases of shunt dysfunction requiring surgical shunt revision. Using the Likvor CELDA™️ Instrument in postoperative care can avoid many unnecessary operations and can optimise shunt functionality.

Prevent unneccessary surgery

The CELDA Instrument is the only commercial instrument that accurately can simulate the effect of having a shunt implant and it is also unique in it's capacity to provide data on whether a shunt device needs to be replaced.

Ensure the best possible aftercare

CELDA System makes it easier to follow-up on patients by providing objective and standardised data on the CSF dynamics before and after shunt surgery.

Easy to use

The CELDA™ System contains integrated hardware and software and an easy to use interface for safe and efficient handling. The test protocols are automated and produces standardised reports making the work flow and analysis efficient.

A complete solution for CSF shunt control

Function control

The best way to detect CSF shunt dysfunction

The CELDA Instrument lets you evaluate whether unchanged or worsened symptoms can be corrected by shunt adjustment and also to discover any cases of shunt dysfunction requiring surgical shunt revision.


Optimise the functionality of CSF shunt devices

Even improved patients can benefit with better adjustment of the shunt. In a pre- and postoperative evaluation with the automatic protocol it is easy to determine if a patient’s shunt works as intended.


Cerebral Shunt Devices

A cerebral shunt is a medical device commonly used to treat hydrocephalus by relieving pressure on the brain caused by fluid accumulation.

Shunt systems require frequent monitoring and follow-up. Complications that may occur with shunt systems include:

  • mechanical failure
  • obstructions
  • infections

Malfunctions can lead to serious complications, such as over- or under-draining of CSF. Over-draining occurs when CSF drains from ventricles at a faster rate than it’s produced. This can cause ventricles to collapse, which may lead to headaches or hemorrhage inside the brain. Under-draining allows CSF to accumulate on the brain and can cause symptoms of hydrocephalus to return.

Easy implementation

Please consult with us to find the best way to implement the Likvor CELDA™ System in your operations. The instrument and tools are available for immediate delivery.


For units that provide frequent CSF examinations purchasing the CELDA System is a preferred option.


Eliminate the initial purchase cost and pay only per investigation, with a contracted annual minimum.

As a Service

A complete service option where Likvor provide equipment and a trained operator that perform the examinations.


Please reach out to us to discuss the possibilities for implementing CELDA System in your investigations or research.